Saturday, December 4, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

Last night the girls and I ventured down to Eastlake Village for their annual Winter Wonderland. With Kevin working nights and my parents busy with friends I thought it would be fun to get out of our cozy heated warm house and play in snow for the first time. What was I thinking?!? Luckily everything worked out but I had my doubts! When we arrived after bundling up with hats and sweaters, changing diapers, packing up the Double Bob, and a quick snack, we had to wait in a long line to get in. At the front we were greeted by the Grinch himself and he told us that the event was sold out!! Noooooooo!!! Didn't he understand all the energy it took just to get these two little kids here! Well defeated I turned around and headed to the car. But first I tried to explain to Addison that we couldn't go and that Mommy made a mistake and didn't order tickets a head of time (who knew)!?! This was the view from the sidewalk, so much fun only a few feet away and we couldn't go!
There was a horse ride, petting zoo, visit with Santa, ponyrides, bunny hill for sledding, and lots and lots of Snow!
 Addison was amazed at all the people, music, and excitement. Just look at this face it screams "please let us in!"
After going for a walk by the lake to look at Christmas tree lights the line had gone done considerably so I tried one more time to see if I could purchase a ticket, I would have paid anything! Then my luck changed and I met a nice woman who had an extra ticket, Yiepeeee we were in! Thank goodness :) Addison and Reese meet snow!

 This may not count for Reese's first encounter with snow, she slept most the time!
 After playing in the snow for a bit we checked out the other activities. Most were for older kids or would need Addison to go with an adult, but we enjoyed watching! This was the hill for sledding and boy did kids go fast, Addison watched with intent eyes and looked somewhat scared! There was a ponyride and also a petting zoo. Addison said hi to the goats from the outside and petted a bunny threw the fence. The line for the ponyride was super long so maybe next year! We also enjoyed some yummy cookies and hot cocoa, it was delicious!!

We didn't visit Santa because I wasn't sure how Addison would react and I know her Daddy wants to be there! But all and all I am so happy that we were able to experience this Wonderland.
 Addie thanks for being such a trooper, you were so brave in the snow and your smile and excitement made it all worth while! Reese you were an angel in the stroller and I know next year you will be ready for all the festivities! And last by not least Mommy learned her lesson and will for sure buy tickets a head of time :)

1 comment:

  1. Wait, that was all at East Lake?! Next year Kayen will for sure have a pre-ordered ticket! Glad you and your girls still got to go!!
