Monday, December 20, 2010

Fun Filled Weekend!!

Last weekend we were busy celebrating the boat parade, my Dad's 61st birthday and of course the debut of little miss Addison in her first recital! Grandma and Grandpa Jones made it down for the weekend and we even got to spend some time with Uncle G and Lisa! The holidays are always special and we love to be surrounded by such wonderful people!! Don't let the big coats, scarves, and sweatshirts fool you in this picture, it was about 70 degrees outside!
Perfect weather for the annual Eastlake Village Boat Parade. 
The crew taking in all the amazing lights! 
Addison was full of smiles while waving to the passing boats. She screamed in delight as each boat came by and was so excited about all BUT one...
the one with you know who on it.... (Santa)! We are still not a big fan! Just look at that sad face.
But luckily we didn't have any tears and we ended the night with cake and ice cream in celebrating GranDad's birthday! I didn't take many pictures because I was exhausted from the stress of being a stage mom at the recital! That post is coming and we may even get a little video too!  But until then my Dad said that he loved his birthday and enjoyed all the festivities and the special company! Happy Birthday Dad - we love you!

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