Saturday, November 27, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving! This year I am very thankful for my family. My husband is kind, patient, helpful, dependable, generous, and loving. He seems to do it all and never complains. He fixes things around the house with ease, brings me flowers just because, and has a new signature dish (bbq Carnitas). I am so proud of his accomplishments as a doctor and am amazed at the impact he makes in the lives of his patients each day. I love hearing all the stories and the happy endings to cases and people he saves.  Kevin works so hard each and every day for us and we are very thankful for the great dad and husband that he is.
 Next I am thankful for Addison. She is full of personality at only 20 months old! She can be feisty in one breath and calm and cool in the next. She dances to any beat, brings a smile to any stranger with a simple "hi", and will laugh and laugh when tickled or chased. I love the curl in the back of her head, her smile when all her teeth show, the way she gives big slobbery long kisses, and the face she gets when she finds Reese's binkie and sticks it her mouth super quick to get her fix. I love the way she yells Mommy about a bizillion times in a row even when I am right in front of her and how she choses the same book each night to read.  I especially love how she squeals in delight at the sound of Barney, and how her head moves from side to side when listening to music, and I can't forget the sweet voice I hear every night when she prays with us and says "Amen" all by herself. I am very thankful for our oldest daughter!
And last but not least I am very thankful for baby Reese. Her gentle spirit, pretty smile, soft cooing, and wiggly giggly laugh make her so loveable. She is only 10 weeks old but I already forgot what life without her looked like. She is good natured and a total mommy's girl who loves loves to be held and cuddled. She is fun to watch as she discovers her hands and will always fall asleep to any classical music or Rockabye Baby song that is played. Crazy as it may seem but one of my favorite times with Reese is the late night feeding when its just her and I up in the otherwise very quiet house. I am thankful for those moments that she looks at me with her bright blue eyes and just stares. I love her itty bitty hands,  big baby toes, and that toothless grin!
I love this little family! I couldn't ask for more... (well more kids... but not now!) I have lots more pictures and stories to share from thanksgiving but this is a start!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post!! Can't wait to see more pictures and hear more stories! :o)
