Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beach Life!

Last weekend we got a taste of what life is like living at the beach. Needless to say Kevin and I are ready to pack up the girls and move back to coastal paradise! This is the view from the deck of where Billy and Magee now live... It is amazing!
We knew they were close to the beach but this was incredible. It was so great to see their new pad. I have to say my brother is quite the decorator. Magee lets go of the reins and lets this little Nate Berkus in the making do his magic. The pictures on the wall are perfectly level and spaced, the furniture is staged just right for that zen feeling, and the fresh flowers and small touches make this place so homey.

Whenever we get all together we have so much fun. Addison lights up with these two playmates and gets so excited. She may start out a little shy but she quickly takes over the place. Here she is starting to dance! She has some time to practice before the big day in August but I think dance lessons are really paying off.. (ohh and Tiff do you recognize this dress?.. Sydney from Days of our Lives was wearing it last week! Yeah Baby!)
After hanging out and watching some basketball we took a couple of pictures. This was hilarious because when Addison saw Billy and I put our hands up she did the same to Reese! hahahah.... so cute!
Reese was all smiles at Magee. I love this picture and how happy everyone looks, even the little mischievous one in the middle.
 More smiles - maybe this is a sign that we need to move closer to the beach when Kevin is done with residency.

 It seems that my girls are always checking out their Uncles to see if they are legit. Reese is sizing Billy up...
Just like her older sister did to Uncle Sam not to long ago....

After watching some basketball we headed to the deck for some fun. Addison is copying everything Billy is doing...
She tries to put her hand around him but then is intrigued by him sticking out his tongue

 Get it Addison! What a silly Uncle :)
Besides the great views the lighting was amazing for pictures. I am starting to learn more about photography and this nifty little camera. Its so fun to look back and enjoy all the pictures. Here Reese is getting some love from Auntie Magee. Who by the way has amazing plans for their wedding. She has great ideas for all these small and personal details that make a wedding so special. I was really excited because she even shared with me some pictures of what her custom made wedding dress will look like! I have been blessed with one amazing sister in law now I get another one!
I wonder where Addison learned how to "fake"pose like this for pictures...

 Then we snatched a picture of just the girls!

 and then a family one!
Thank you guys for a great night. We loved hanging out and spending time with you. We look forward to moving in, I mean visiting, again very soon!


  1. Looks like you guys had a fun time. Billy and Magee have such a cute place and the location is amazing!! I love how you add in old photos off Addison to compare! What a cute touch and it's neat to see how she resembles Reese. I didn't notice Addie's dress on Days. I half watch it because I'm usually doing 5 things while I am trying to watch it, so I just listen! :o) It is a cute dress!
    I saw Addie today with your mom. They were walking around the lake. Addie was very calm and just enjoying the ride!

  2. Reese looks just like you Kim! More and more as she gets cuter and cuter!!! Love her big smile!!
