Every since she was a baby she has loved music. She wiggles, bounces, hands go flying, and head is bopping with one simple beat! Here are few of my favorite pics from class! Enjoy
Look at that tail! Not to mention the big dinosaur beside her!
Addison is sitting in a "boat" and we are all singing and rocking the boat to "row row row your boat" she loves this part of the classDid you know cats can swim?
A favorite of Addison's is playing with Miss Lyn's special scarfs!
Shake!! Shake!! Shake!! Put those hips (and head) into it Addie!
Here is little Reese in costume listening to all the great music!Now onto the big drum!
Addison with her fairy teacher! Thank you Miss Lyn for a great class and for sharing your love for music. ohh and don't mind the naked kid in his diaper in the picure, his dinosaur costume got a little itchy... hahaha got to love kids!
Wait, how many costumes did Miss Addison have?! I love this kitty costume! The tu-tu is adorable! Looks like a lot of fun! Shake it girl!