Animals, new friends, fresh vegetables, and soil - what more can you ask for! Today we headed to the Levines Family Farm in Laguna Hills for a program called" Toddlers in the Garden" directed by my brother Chris's good friend Jodi Levine! This program gives toddlers a hands on opportunity to interact with plants and animals in a safe and loving environment! Check out her program website at It was so good to see Jodi after many years and for her to meet Addison! This is a picture of the Jones' girls and Jodi and her niece Elle!
We started the morning with a turtle safari! Looking for these amazing creatures was very fun! Addison was not shy in the group and was very excited once we found all the turtles! She said many times in her very loud and powerful voice "Wow"!
Next was circle time and Jodi read a beautiful book about Butterflies.
Our little nature girl is in the way back of this picture checking things out!
Then we were off to meet the animals!
Chickens sort of look like ducks!! Well they do in Addison's eyes. She loved talking to all these "ducks"
Addison took to Jodi really fast! Here Jodi is showing Addison where the Hens lay their eggs! Very exciting!
I wasn't really surprised that Addison wasn't scared to touch the tortoise! After watching all the "big kids" she jumped right in and was very gentle with the loving animal.
Watching patiently to see the animals come to the fence!
Walking with Jodi's mom! Boy did she have a fun time checking out the garden. We even harvested a cucumber for snack!

After a yummy snack, a tour of the vegetable garden, and visiting the animals Jodi had the toddlers plant seeds. Uncle Chris would have been really proud of Addison. She was all business filling the containers with soil, planting the seeds, and watering her new plant to take home.
What a fantastic class! It didn't stop there. Jodi invited Addison and I to join her family for lunch. We were treated to a homemade meal of pasta and fresh strawberries! It was delicious! We ended the day with a quick dip in the pool!
It is no wonder that after such a beautiful day Addison was completely wiped out. She fell asleep minutes after leaving the Levine house and took a 3 hour nap! I have to admit I also got a quick nap in too! Thank you Jodi for such a great morning. You are so gifted in working with kids and your passion for animals, plants, and the environment is inspiring. We look forward to many more times in the garden with you.