Colleen, Dylann, and Davis made their way from the beach to our house for some fun and boy did we need it! The weather has been so gloomy and Addison has been going stir crazy with having to be inside. I have kept her busy with crafts, singing, dance class, and an occasional Barney episode! But nothing is better than playing with another toddler! Davis was a perfect playmate on this very gloomy day! Addison and Davis kept busy pushing, racing, throwing, and running threw out the house while Reese slept, Dylann smiled, and Colleen and I caught up! It is fantastic to swap stories and to see what life will look like for me in a couple of months. Colleen has always been so open and honest about parenting and I always feel like I can ask her anything. She really makes it look so easy!! With all the craziness we tried to get a picture of all of them in one spot! Phew... it was hard but we managed without to much crying, wrestling, or running away from the camera !!

If you are wondering why there is an extra baby in the picture above... this is Davis' baby that he fell in love with while at our house! And look Dylann and Reese have already bonded and are holding hands! Love it!!
The toddlers knew the drill about Mommy's who like to take pictures all the time, but the two new ones were a little less patient! and it got worse, just look at these faces!
But things perked up after everyone had a full belly! While Colleen and I gave attention to the little sisters after lunch - Davis ended the visit by reading to Addison. All we heard in the play room was Addie giggling and Davis doing his best to read and show her the pictures.
Is Addie tickling him? hahahha.....
We love you Dubost family and can't wait for you to get back from Hawaii to come and play again. Thank you for the special gift and for all the smiles - you truly did brighten our day!
So cute! Look how tiny Reese looks! I have got to see more pics of the cute room that Addison and Davis are reading on. Is that Addison's future bed? Or just a ridiculously cute guest room? Miss you guys!