Monday, October 11, 2010

Check-up times 2!

Friday was a big day for the Jones girls! It was Addie's 18 month check up and Reese's newborn visit. It was also our first trip out with our new double tandem stroller that Great Grandpa and Grandma helped us buy. Big Sis in the front Lil Sis in the back!
What cute girls in their diapers. And yes Addison is sporting a jean diaper... Thanks to Auntie Magee she poo's in blue!

Before the doctor came in Addie gave Reese a litte check up of her own! A pep talk before she gets some shots!
Well for the first visit Reese doesn't get any shots, only Addison. And she doesn't like it one bit!
But luckily it all ended super quick and she was back in her happy place, with her best friend "Binkie" This was a treat because she normally only gets it in her crib!
Here are the stats: Addison is a healthy 26 pounds 8 oz and 32 and 3/4ths inches. She is growing like a weed right before our eyes. She received her flu shot and two other not so fun pokes! Reese is following in her sister's footsteps and weighs a hearty 9 pounds 1 oz and is 20 and 3/4ths inches. WoW!! The doctor was very impressed with her weight gain and so was I! What a champion :) It is such a blessing to have two healthy and happy kids. We love them so much!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post!! You are very blessed to have such a loving little family! Kayden has her four month check up on Wednesday! She will be getting some shots too :(. Scotty is taking half day off to be there. I wait outside and try hard not to cry! Look forward to seeing you and your girls on Saturday! Xo
