Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Daddy Duty!

On Kevin's day off I headed out for a couple of minutes to print pictures and go to the food store. This was the first time I left both girls with their Dad (who.. yes just got a new hair do)! I was happy to return home to 2 happy non-screaming girls! This was also a big day because Reese got her first bottle!
Of course Big Sis wanted to get in on the action! Surprisingly she was very gentle and patient, Kevin showed her what to do....

     and she was very excited to help!
Because Addison wanted to feed Reese all by herself we had to create a distraction... This is where her baby came in and it was Addie's turn to play mommy and daddy.

 After Addison went down for her nap, Kevin told me I could take a break while he watched Reese. This is Kevin watching Reese....
Boy I thought this looked familiar.. here is Kev watching Addison! hahahah.....
  Thank you Kev for being on Daddy Duty and giving me a little break. You are a great Dad and hubby!


  1. Hahah, don't you love how fast daddy's can fall asleep? So funny. How cute that Addison is giving her baby a bottle. Emma does the same thing. Love your pics!

  2. I'm diggin' the shaved head. Mommy and Addison should shave theirs so the whole Jones crew is matching.

  3. I love the two pictures of Kevin and the girls sleeping!! I wish I could nap with my baby!! I just wonder where Addison is while Daddy and Reese take a snooze. I'm sure getting into something fun! :o)
