Friday, August 27, 2010

Meeting the Newest Jones! So close....

Yesterday was a special day because we got to see Baby Jones #2 at our 37 week ultrasound! Two important words come to mind: Full-Term! It's hard to believe it but we are finally here. All body parts are accounted for, the baby is a healthy estimated 6.8 pounds, and his or her head is down. The ultrasound is so amazing and Addison was ohhing and awhhing the entire time, we all got a big kick out of it. My favorite part of the ultrasound were the facial pictures. This little one for sure has the chubbiest cheeks I have ever seen. We can't wait to meet you little Jones!

1 comment:

  1. I had a dream that baby Jones was a boy! In my dream though it was your third baby. You had two girls already! Hmmmm... Can't wait to find out! :)
