Sunday, April 7, 2013


I love my school, I love teaching, and I love that I get to work with truly amazing people. I recently decided that I would not be returning after Spring Break when my maternity leave ended.  It was a difficult decision but ultimately what was best for my family was for me to stay home. With the upcoming move I want to spend as much quality time with my friends and family that I can. Plus the thought of leaving all three kids made me very anxious and sad. They are growing up so fast and I don't want to miss a thing! Pictured below are two of my favorite people that I have met in the past three years that have changed my life for the better! My first friend Amy is one of those people that everyone loves. She is one of the best teachers I know, the most well liked teacher on campus, and hysterically funny. We are connected at the hip and I love that! Texting, playdates, shopping, and talking on the phone are a few of our favorite things to do together! Speaking of chatting on the phone I have repeatedly gone over my monthly minutes because of her, Kevin still kids about how much we talk! Another favorite of ours is Joe's Deli in Cypress. She and I would go every Friday to eat the worlds best squaw sandwich and catch up. She would make my hardest days somehow manageable and always do or say something to make me happy. People ask what I miss about working and I miss working with her! I can only hope that my kids have a teacher like Mrs. Laughlin in their future!  
Now for Jill. I vividly remember being at my old school and seeing the Roberson's Christmas card in the lounge and thinking, "She looks like a fun person!" Boy was I right and who knew that 4 short years later we would be sharing a contract and developing one of the most amazing friendships. Jill and I were simply meant to teach together. God put each of us in our lives for a specific purpose and that was to teach each other about him and about faith. Without her support, prayer, and love I would have not been able to successfully teach this year, and that is no exaggeration. We had this amazing chemistry as teaching partners that made sharing a contract effortless. We balanced one another out and I learned so many amazing tricks and teaching strategies from her. I value her friendship and will be forever grateful to her for finishing off the year for me. We have a difficult class and this going full time for her is a huge sacrifice. She is a fantastic teacher and the kids are very lucky to have her. Again if any of my kids got a teacher half as good as Jill I would be happy. 
Teaching was  my career for 8 years and I have so many wonderful memories of my students, the faculty, and the families I worked with. I will miss getting up in front of a class and teaching, it was a rush and a creative outlet for me. I am very much passionate about it still and feel hopeful that in the future some opportunities open up when I can again come back and work with kids and parents in some capacity. Who knows maybe I will be the next PTA president? Sounds fun to me! I am looking forward to whats ahead but wanted to take a second and and remember two of my favorite Huskies!  

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