Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Ohh my Reese! You are two - the "terrific" twos are now upon us. Honestly when your big sister went through them I thought they weren't bad. I would tell people all the time that I thought 3 was harder then 2. That is before you my angel! Don't get me wrong I love your independent spirit, your bubbly personality, and energetic screams but you are a handful. I love your sneaky smiles and the way you sing at the top of your lungs when your favorite songs come on. Currently you are obsessed with the movie Princess and the Rockstar and you can be found most days in your pink polka dot tutu. You fight taking naps to be able to stay up like Addie but then typically around 4:00 I can find you passed out just about anywhere. Three favorite words of yours are "I am hungry" and your favorite food is cereal. It is the first thing you say every single morning! You scrunch your nose when you giggle and you have the funniest pretend sad face that I have ever seen. When I get my nails done you always tell me how much you like my nails or if I am holding you, you will say "I like your hair."What makes it funny is you say these things like a question. You rather look through books then watch t.v. and you always need to know where your Mommy is. Sometimes you throw things, sometimes you bite, and sometimes you whine for what seems like hours. But with the bad comes your sweet hugs, bright smile, and huge heart. So we will continue to work our way through your "twos" and enjoy your high heel walking, lollipop loving, and sweet talking girl that you are. love you Reese.

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