Thursday, November 29, 2012

Addie Girl!

There is something about this little girl that makes me smile even in the times that I should really be disciplining her. She is very sensitive and has such a big heart. She always tells us how much she loves us and still enjoys cuddling and if we let her she would sneak into our room and sleep with us every nigh! Its funny to me when she acts shy in front of others because at home she is anything but that. She loves the spotlight, gets excited every single time she is "introduced" into a room, and is currently obsessed with Kyra the Popstar Barbie. 
She tries her best to share with her sister even though it can be really hard, I mean really hard at times! I  tell her all the time that I don't want her to get to big because I want her to stay just the way she is now. She tells me she has to grow up so she can be just like her Mommy - Melts my heart every time. Addison is a school machine and loves to "work" at home with me each day. However if I let her she would choose to watch t.v. all day! She is a wild and free spirit who makes us so proud. I can't believe in a few short months she will be 4 - time has really flown by. As I wait for the arrival of our 3rd child I am reminded that this little blondie made me a mommy first! It is an extremely sentimental and emotional time for me to reflect on when she was a baby and how far we have come as a family. Addie you are the best big sister and I trust that you will continue to be a great example for Reese and your soon to be little brother! You are so loved....xoxoxo 

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