Wednesday, July 11, 2012


It's that time of the year again! This is Addison's 4th little recital and we couldn't have been more proud of her! She is such a performer and she loves the stage! I mean she LOVES the stage. We did a little photo-shoot before in her super pink and frilly costume! 
What a ham! Shocking but my Dad said that I was the same way as a kid!
(and of course I had to take Reese's picture too, this is her go to pose)
As a little surprise, Kevin brought home roses for Addison, her friends, and the teacher. So sweet and so thoughtful. She was over the moon with Daddy's surprise and reminded for a week that the flowers on the table were hers!
The recital was at a local theatre and if you have seen the show Dance Moms you know exactly how these things go. No joke! Because it is a company it is taken very seriously but even though the older girls are super talented it is usually the little ones that take away the show! 
If you click on the pictures you can see her facial expressions and just how happy she is. I wanted to share one request of Addisons that I thought was funny. At home we "introduce" her from the other room and she comes running in with her sister to perform some type of song or dance. She asked on the way to the recital if they will introduce her. I told her they would and she was even more excited. After the show she told me they didn't introduce her the right way. She said she wanted them to say, "introducing Addison and her Friends!" Instead they said the teachers name and how old the kids were, the nerve :)
Post Recital Pictures - we were all so happy for her!

What a big girl she is turning into...

Addison you are a tapping machine and rocked the stage with your bright blonde hair and cute dance moves. It is exciting to see you do things independently and how much you have grown through the years. Your smile and personality is sure to keep you on stage for years to come. You are a Star! xoxoxoxo

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