Wednesday, April 25, 2012


    Sometimes I feel like I am in a little rut. Blogging sure makes everything sound amazing and although I am super thankful for all the blessings in my life, sometimes I just can't get a handle on the things that need to be done. My laundry pile is so high that I was forced to put it in the garage next to the washer where I didn't have to look at it every time I walk upstairs. I despise folding laundry and even putting it in the washer makes me sad because eventually I will have to FOLD it - drives me crazy... I typically love to cook but sometimes ever once in a while I just want to eat Taco Bell and Papa Johns. I hate that I can't do that with kids all the time and that I have to be responsible to cook veggies and a protein at each meal! Haha :) ... and don't get me started on cleaning the floors, loading the dishwasher, or even watering the plants. (are you depressed do you want to stop reading this post yet?!) I am certainly not complaining in a way where I would want my life to change because I know this is just a snip bit of my life but I want to be a little honest on the blog. I find myself watching way to much reality t.v. and going to bed too late. I need to make a small little change. So here is the GOAL - For one week I am going to just stop (not that I will stop being responsible) but to stop worrying about all the stuff that needs to get done and just BE.  I think this will really help give me perspective and yes to even possibly take joy in doing the laundry, cooking, and even cleaning again. The idea is not to be overwhelmed and to spend my time more wisely. This picture below was taken by my dear friend Colleen on our trip to Paseo Robles last month. I am in love with this picture and with the expressions on both of our faces. I can learn so much from my kids and this snapshot says it all. I need to just stop worrying about next year and where we will live and about all the things that can be overwhelming for a Mom.  So I will stop dwelling on my husbands insane work schedule, the ever ending grocery list, or the projects on my desktop, and take a sweet break from being on the computer and feeling pressure. I will not check Instagram or be consumed by reading running blogs and other peoples blogs. Who knows I may even start a new book or find joy in something new! My desire is to get back to being fully present each and every day and not just checking things off my to do list!

Here is to a wonderful week and how thankful I am for my beautiful family (and yes even all the mommy duties!) xoxoxo

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Date Day

and patiently waiting!!
For a date with Omie and GranDad. My parents swopped her up and took our little beach girl to Huntington for Mickey Mouse pancakes and sand castle building!
Addie was over the moon with this "special" day and I was able to spend some quality time with just Reese! A win-win for all! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The more the Merrier!

Why have one when you can have 2!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Birthday Party!

I love birthday parties! They are so much fun and this is the first one that she may actually remember! Ha - but I tried to stuck to a budget and I promised Kevin it would be low key. I think it turned out great and this Birthday girl was super smiley and giddy all day! I made the invitations with the help of Melissa from A Little Loveliness who sent me a file to help me re-create what she did for her daughter. 
Thank you Melissa!
and that inspired the cake! I actually made this twice once for our family and also for this party. I got the idea and recipe from Tennessee Sugar
My favorite part was the middle! It might not have been perfect but it sure was yummy!
The favors were leg warmers for all the little ballerinas
Guess what this wreath is made out of? Mini Cupcake liners! I found the idea on Pinterest and it was super easy to do. I think I maybe making one for each season!
I loved how the Birthday girls wreath turned out. I first had it hanging but liked it on the mantle better. I saw this on Etsy but they were asking 50$. This one cost under 15$ and less than 2 hours of my time. Kind of sad though that I glue gunned her name down because I would have loved to use it again. Maybe I will bring it out each year and just replace the number each time!

In our dining room it was all about pink too! I made the runner without sewing a stitch. I am now a lover of Stitching glue - it is easy to use and I love that you can buy cheap fabric and create a runner for any holiday or celebration! 
All the other decor was super simple and super pink!

The party actually started at the Dance Studio Addison goes to. She has tap and ballet class each Tuesday. So we decided during Spring Break this would be a perfect combination, a dance class and then our house for lunch. The teacher, Miss Morgan, is amazing and made all her little friends feel so welcomed! It was so much fun to watch them twirl and spin together! 

All the little ballerinas!
Even though the class was for "older girls" Reese enjoyed a dance or two!
Then it was back to our house for lunch, cake, and more girl time! Unfortunately I didn't take a ton of pictures of friends that were there but I did manage to get a couple!
Love this picture
and singing Happy Birthday!

Make a Wish!
Happy 3rd Birthday! We love you Addison! You are such a fun, creative, kind little ball of energy. It is amazing how fast the last three years have gone by. I am impressed on how much you love "school" and how much you learn each and every day. You have quite the personality and your newest favorite thing to say is, "What's Happening?" You love being outdoors and you want to hold your sisters hand at every chance you get. You desperately want to learn how to ride a bike like your neighbors and you think any boo boo needs a Princess or Tinkerbell bandit. You have a sweet tooth like your Mommy and always asks to help in the kitchen when I am cooking or baking. You  carry your pink bible around all the time and you are a great "reader." You still worry me when you go through your stages of wheezing and I am still praying that you grow out of it. If it was up to you the t.v would be on all day ( two shows a day is plenty though). At bedtime you sleep with all of your barbies and you barely have room to squeeze in. The song you request me to sing is the Dora theme song and you still insist we rub your back. We read 4 books at bedtime and it is always hard to narrow it down. It seems that some type of Pinkalicious book is always one of them. At times you have this whiney voice that makes me want to run to the hills and you have mastered a fake cry when you don't get what you want. But for the most part you are doing a great job helping me and being a good teacher to Reese. We are working on sharing and you still love to entertain.  My favorite thing that you do right now is you always tell us how much you love your family. And we love you so much too! 
Ohh and this is the face I got when I  asked Addie what she wanted to do for her next birthday!
 Luckily we have a lot of time to plan! xoxoxoox

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Family Birthday! Part 2

The weekend after her birthday we celebrated with family!
Yeah for matching ballerina sisters!
and cousins of course!

I am a sucker for making matching outfits with names on it! I love my crafting time!
Speaking of I tried to make lots of fun decorations for the family party but was on a budget. This means I spent a lot of time on Pinterest and Michaels. I will share a couple of my projects in my next post!
Now back to the weekend. The Jones and Dalesandro family made the trip down South and it was awesome to see them and to watch the little girls all play together! It is also exciting because we just found out that Auntie Heather is expecting another girl! It is is a Pinkalicious Time for all of our families!
Love these faces! * Sorry Billy and Andrew I didn't catch a picture with you! But love you guys!! 

Games, music, food, and laughter. It was a perfect weekend. 
One of Addie's favorite times was definitely the cake!
She loved all the attention and "acted" very shy!

This is double trouble! 
My favorite part of the cake was that it was all shades of Pink. It was super easy to do and I loved the idea and it went perfect with our little theme. 
Addie was spoiled with so many wonderful things from everyone. Here is just one picture of her newest mode of transportation! Dr. Jones was less then thrilled when I got this without his consent. He says that he sees way to many kids coming in hurt by these scooters and razors! But luckily I took care of that and she is protected head to toe! xoxoxo
* And a Special thank you to Leonor who also gave Addie a party at childcare! We bought 
A Mexican tradition is to have the birthday girl to take a bite of the cake before serving! This SeƱorita loved this idea!
and this little one also loved the cake! 
Thank you Mommy Nor and to all the kids for all the fun barbies and dress up clothes!

You are the best!!