Hooray she is here! Reese Mardel Jones was born on Sept 16th at 4:27 p.m. weighing in at 7 pounds 12 oz and 20 inches long. We couldn't wait to meet her and she definitely didn't disappoint. Although it did take a good 24 hours the VBAC was successful and we are all happy and healthy! Just look at this face - it was love at first sight for Kevin and I!
Here are a few of the highlights of this amazing day! It all started in the morning on the 15th, I think Addison knew that something "big" was going to happen today. It was so cute because each morning since we put the bassinet out she would look inside! If she only knew that soon the bassinet would be full with her baby sister!
We have all been very anxious for "labor day" to be here. Kevin had front loaded his schedule and we were counting the days hoping she or he would come soon. On Wednesday we spent the morning walking around the Irvine Spectrum and I started feeling contractions. Throughout the day I felt more and more and they were getting closer and stronger. So we decided at 8:30 p.m. to head to the hospital!

After checking in to St. Jude Hospital (where my mom works) in Fullerton I was monitored and to my displeasure I was having contractions but was only dilated to a 1. This is what the medical people call false labor. Let me be the first to tell you there is nothing false about the pain of these contractions! By midnight they gave me some medicine for the pain and to help the false contractions go away. This helped temporarily but the contractions came back about two hours later. At 3:00 a.m. my doctor thankfully decided to admit me! This was music to my ears because then I knew that we were not leaving this hospital without a little baby!

Once we knew that this was the real deal we called Kevin's parents and they drove down from Fresno. I was given a small induction and an epidural and then rested until finally at about 3:45 in the afternoon I felt the urge to push. It was amazing, scary, exciting, nerve racking, all at the same time. I couldn;t believe that I was going to have a Vbac. This was a dream of mine and I was so excited to try. Luckily I had a great "labor team" lead by my MVP coach husband. The team included our moms and some amazing nurses. We were ready to go! It was special because we had the same nurse when Addison was born, I think it was meant to be! I pushed for about 45 minutes and then Kevin made the announcement that we had another baby girl! Addison now had a sister and poor Kevin was now outnumbered!
What a face? Who do you think she looks like? She has bright blue eyes just like her sister but a lot more hair!
Reese's first picture with her parents!
She was very excited to meet us!
Dr. Henderson, Dr, Jones, and Mom!
Getting some love from her Grandma's
The next big meeting was with Addison. She was upset at first and a little overwhelmed when coming into the hospital. She was out of her routine for the day and it was really sad to see her so upset. But given some time, a couple presents, and shown the t.v she was back to her happy self and showered us with hugs and kisses!
I really missed Addison and was so excited for her to meet Reese. This is the beginning of a beautiful sisterhood and I can't wait to see their relationship grow threw the years. What a blessing to have two healthy daughters, we couldn't be more proud.
Here are some more pictures of this perfect day! Reese welcome to the family!
The party didn't stop after we left the hospital. When the nurse said that I could return home the next day after giving birth I was all in. I missed Addison, my bed, and was anxious to get home. The celebration of Reese's arrival continued at our house. It was great to have Billy and Andrew join the party!
We look forward to sharing more pictures of our growing family with you! Stay tuned....