The Jones' are back - back to blogging that is. After a fantastic month of lots of fun memories its time to reflect and get ready for 2012! Here are ten of the "highlights" that seemed to have just flown by.
1. Frosty! Addison once again danced in the annual Christmas show for her tap and ballet class. This little girl is a total ham on stage and had us all laughing and cheering as she bounced and tapped her way through Frosty the Snowman. Here she is with friend Lucy in their little outfit before the show.
During the group numbers
and a special guest even showed up at the end. I love this picture because all the kids in the show were on the side of the stage and who is the first little one running over for her gift - yep.. Addison!
The night ended with a little flower from her Daddy - we are very proud of you Addie!

2. The giving tree - for our advent calendar this year I decided to make it more of a giving tree. Each morning Addison would look at a little index card and their would be a picture or words (even though she can't read) for a gift idea to give to someone in our life. This was such a fun project and it was so worth all the work. She would ask each morning in her curious and excited little voice, "What are we going to do today?"This was also a really good challenge for me because believe it or not I am a little introverted when it comes to interacting with neighbors and people we barely know. Here is a quick list of some of the things we did: First we kicked off December first with making brownies for her bestie Laney!
Little Santa hats are sure yummy!
Balloons are one of Addison's favorite things. So we picked out a special holiday one (took about 15 minutes for her to choose the perfect one) and we brought it to the receptionist at our dance studio. She was so excited and said it was her first "thank you" since she started her new job. Miss Bonnie does so much for everyone and it was nice to tell her that we appreciate her!
made cookies for Kayden and family when we went to their house to watch the boat parade!
gift card for her dance teacher Miss Morgan
Made Daddy's favorite dessert
and some special dot art for a friend and mailed it
we made cookies for all our neighbors on our block and delivered them to their house
gave reindeer poop to two of our favorite people
Brought flowers to Omie
and made a special gift for Mommy Nor
This is just some of the things we did! It was a fun adventure thinking of 25 different ways to give. Especially when leading up to Christmas it was a good reminder for Addison and myself that this is a season of giving. I look forward to next year where Reese can participate more, I can be a little more organized, and as a family we can think of ways to give together.
3. Chief
Dr. Jones was chosen to be Chief of his Residency class by his Attendings and the director of the program. Wahooooo!!!! This is a huge honor and something that was very competitive among all the residents to get. We are so proud of him! Thank you to Uncle Billy for making such a fantastic head-dress!
4. Friends/ Play-dates - Although it seems to be one of the busiest times of the year it is also a fun time to get together with friends. My awesome teaching partner Jill put together this amazing kids christmas party for all the teachers we work with and their kids. It was Addison's first time making and decorating a Gingerbread house all by herself.
Addies house minus a few hundred pieces that had already made their way into her tummy.
A special visitor also came by to talk to all of the kids! I love that she is past the stage of being fearful of him. It was awesome! (By the way we didn't come in a Cinderalla dress, Addison just took it upon herself to play dress up and put it on!)
We also had Kayden and Avery over for a end of the year visit. This was a little dangerous not because I almost burned down our house cooking a Chicken Pot Pie (which truthfully almost did happen), but because both are pregnant and look absolutely amazing! Kevin doesn't let me hang out with newborns or pregnant people for very long because it always leads to me asking Kevin lots of questions about baby #3! hahaha...But here are the cuties for now at our house. Despite the picture they all really did have a good time!
Hard to believe that in a few short months both Tiffany and Stephanie will have a new little one to join our group! One boy for sure and we will find out very soon what Baby Hatcher will be
This was another play date at Tiff's parents house but little Miss Reese decided she didn't want to join the picture. (more on her new favorite pose to come) We had a wonderful visit and boat ride around Eastlake Village with Captain Scotty.
5. Buddy the Elf - we welcomed Santa's favorite helper to our family for the month of December. Buddy
found his way on to the Christmas tree, in our pantry, hanging from lights, and even made coffee for us one morning. This magical little Elf would report back each night to Santa and let him know how everyone was behaving. Luckily he only had great things to report because the Jones girls where on their best behavior. Their was a certain situation that was hard to explain to Addison when Uncle Billy touched Buddy (which is strictly prohibited according to the Elf on the Shelf book) he cleverly covered it up by saying that Buddy jumped on his neck and scared him. (totally believable). Needless to say Addison talked about this for days!
6. Santa - Meeting the "Big Guy" can sometimes be an amazing experience for the whole family, one that they will remember forever....or it could possibly be one of the worst experiences of their life. For example: this is my best friend's baby meeting St. Nick. Our family experience was not this bad, but close!

It all started out with a misunderstanding. I had heard from a friend that there was a totally legit Santa at our local mall. Normally we make the drive to South Coast Plaza for a picture in the Winter Wonderland and reindeer carosaul ride. But to save time we darted out two days before Christmas Eve to visit Santa. Our first clue that this was not going to be one of those magical encounters was when we spotted the "package" deals for taking a picture with Santa. Not only did the cheapest cost 22$ but you weren't allowed to take your own picture even if you bought a package. HOLD the phone - what?!? My very smart husband decided to step out of the tiny half done hard to even call Santa's village and zoom in and take a picture with our camera. However, he was greeted by a very angry Elf who said the manager would be called if he took any pictures. Bahumbug... we instead opted for a meet and greet. Addison went on Santa's lap and asked for a pink bike. She was so excited and Reese was a safe distance away from Santa not to get frightened. We left the area with the intention of leaving this terrible overpriced place. But when I got thinking - I did want a picture of them with Santa and the thought of going to South Coast by myself to save 12$ the next day sounded awful. So we jumped back in line, only now they are closed. Thankfully mean Elf had a heart after all and let us see Santa. This time I quickly ushered Addison on Santa's lap and really fast handed Reese to Santa. Now what happens next was a little unsettling - does the picture underneath look like a picture of a girl who would head-butt Santa. The answer is Yes.

and upset him did she ever. Santa was very hurt and he immediately let her go and would not attempt to hold her again. Instead he was agonizing over his fat lap and bruised cheek. I didn't see blood but I wouldn't have been surprised. She bucked up so fast into Santa's face that everyone watching winced knowing the pain he must have been feeling. Needless to say I wanted this whole ordeal done with fast so I jumped in the picture. I have to say this is one picture that Santa is definitely not smiling in and dare I say he looks a little angry. You be the judge but look closely!
7. Christmas Whirlwind - From buying our Christmas tree
to fun decorations
and all the busy days in between...It all lead up to the big day.
Do you hear that? I think Santa came to our house!
This was a Christmas of lots of "first" for the girls. First Disney Doll
First baby all for Reese
and boy did she love her!
First time to iron a real princess dress
and First time to ride her new pink bike
After the morning festivities of just our family we had the whole gang over for some food and more presents. This was my first time making Christmas breakfast for everyone and it went great.
Let the fun continue!
Phew it was a wonderful holiday and very special to be together... Merry Christmas!
8. Hiking - in pajama's of course with Andrew, Anja, Uncle Chris, and our family. It was a perfect activity to do after opening gifts Christmas morning.
The nature center is steps from our house but feels like miles away from the hustle and bustle of Orange County. Its a great place to explore and let the kids run free and play
This trip Reese enjoyed her ride on Uncle Chris
9. Visiting Daddy at work - Kevin had to work on Christmas Day so we thought we bring a little holiday cheer, and cookies of course, to the hospital. If you couldn't tell we had a great visit!

It is always such a treat to see Kevin in action. Each nurse and co-worker we talked to all had such kind things to say about him. One comment in particular stood out to me. After meeting one of the trauma nurse's she told me that it was wonderful to work with a doctor who truly cares about his patients and their families. I think it stuck with me because that is exactly how I see him and why ER is the perfect practice for him. He is gifted in the ability to stay calm in very difficult situations and can communicate with compassion and sincerity to the people that are affected by these unforeseen circumstances. I could only hope that if any of my loved ones are ever in need of an ER visit that someone as wonderful as Kevin would be their doctor.

10. Beach - We spent two days in a row down in Huntington Beach soaking up the sun and feeling the cold water on our toes! On the first day Chris, Kevin, the girls, and I headed down around 4 for a little playtime in the sand before dinner. Addison loves the sand and played with Chris for what seemed like hours getting "chased" by the ocean. Even though this is a somewhat dark photograph beneath I just love it. I love the playful hop in Addison's body and the shadow of Chris watching her. He had always told me that the ocean was something very special to him and I have great memories of Chris and I at the ocean together growing up. In high school I remember we ditched class during El Nino to watch the huge waves - it was something to see. And it wasn't to long ago that Chris broke his leg and I held his crutches on the shore as he jumped in the water. That was also an incredible day. So seeing him playing with my kids at the ocean is really special.

Also love these two and seeing how happy Reese is snuggling with her Dad
and even more smiles for me!
Happy Beach Day!
Day 2 - more fun and more people!
Addison's impression of Lebron James - only with sand it isn't as fun!
These are the 10 "highlights" of the month and although we missed our family in Fresno we had a wonderful holiday season. With over 300 or so pictures taken in just the last 30 days I hope this post wasn't to long. Happy 2012 to everyone who reads this and may your year be filled with lots of joy and happiness. xxoxoxo Jones Family