Thursday, January 27, 2011

Working Mama!

If only the girls could come to work with me! It would make things so much easier :) I wouldn't spend every minute thinking and missing them. But for now work starts when Addie goes to sleep and Reese is content in her bumbo! Things take twice as long with baby Reese-ee...but this Mommy's girl rather sleep in my arms then her bassinet! Ohh well - I can't complain I prefer it too!! Night night Reese-ee thanks for keeping me company and sweet dreams Addison! xooxox


  1. What job are you doing? Are you part time teaching or working from home now? What a cute pic of her helping you!

  2. I still love the Bumbo even though Kayden can sit on her own. I use it for when I put her on the hard wood floors and I can't risk her tipping over when I'm doing wifely chores! Reese looks so big sitting in the Bumba chair! I can't believe how time is flying by! By the way, no working from home!! :o)
