With family and friends we celebrated the baptism of our baby girl Reese on Sunday, January 9, 2010. There are so many special moments in life and this was one of them for our little family. Each and every day Kevin and I are so thankful for the blessing of our children and give thanks to God for all that he has done.
Our very happy and joyful daughter!
Ready for a Big Day!
The service was very beautiful. Reese was very well behaved, her Big Sister on the other hand was pretty "busy." By the end of the service everyone could recognize her great big belly laugh from the back of the church. Luckily she is awfully cute and can get away with it at her age. We learned quickly not to try to take her sippy cup or snacks at any point before, during, or after the ceremony. For some reason she chose this day to be super attached to all her goodies!
The following pictures were taken mostly by my brother Billy and G (thank you so much you guys) They captured some pretty great moments that our family will always treasure.
One of my favorites....
Enjoying some cuddle time with Grandma Jones!
Outside the church we celebrated more with coffee, cake, and lots of pictures!
Looks like Barney even made the family photos!
A little love from Grandma O
and Auntie Magee :)
After the service we had everyone over at our house for lunch. It was nice to relax, watch football, hold babies, and spend time together!
The day was perfect !
Addie sure can't get enough of her Baby Sis
Reese you bring us so much Joy, we love you very much! We know that God has so much in store for you in your life and look forward to all of the many new things to come! You are a very sweet baby with such a gentle spirit! Happy Baptism Day - xoxoxo