Reese is sweet, lovable, kind, and so special. She is a baby lover and is always around Nash and any other baby smaller than her. She is an energetic little 2 year old that has one speed and that is fast! She is excelling in gymnastics (and I am not just saying that because I am her mom) and doing a fantastic job swimming. Reese is fearless, independent, and a real go getter!

I sometimes think that I am a little too hard on her. I have to remind myself that she is only 2 1/2 and that her behavior is "typical" for that age group. She can be a bit stubborn at times (like me) and trying to get her to do something she doesn't want to is nearly impossible. I am learning a lot about myself and my parenting weaknesses through her. I have to constantly remind myself to stop and let her explore her independence and be in the moment and not rush her on to the next thing. She challenges me to give up control and that is a very hard thing for me. One example is her undying love for Nash. I have to find a balance of her "loving" on him and her being too overbearing (laying on top of him, twisting his arms, pulling his feet, etc.) I see sweet pictures of other kids and their baby siblings and think that I need to relax a bit and still keep Nash safe :)

Reese has this funny sense of humor and knows when she is being funny. She laughs at herself and loves to have an audience. When we go out to dinner she does the funniest dance while standing on her seat and although she shouldn't be standing on her sit it is too funny and cute how she sways and pops to the music. She still can be found wearing her beloved high heels at home and can be very opinionated when it comes to what she wears. One thing I have noticed lately is that she has more of a sensitive side to her. She can get her feelings hurt quickly and when she does she will immediately come to me or Kevin for comfort. She also does this when she is scared, in a new environment, in trouble, or embarrassed. I love these times because she just lets us hold her and cuddle her until she feels better.

I feel very protective over Reese and so does Addison. These two together are so good to each other (90%) of the time. I see the way they pretend play together, the way they look for each other at church, the funny bedroom shananigans that goes on every single night and I am just so thankful they have one another. This blog is really special because as I sit here and type this post it reminds me of why I love being a mom. It can be really hard and the need to get things done and keep moving on can be daunting. Especially on the weeks that Kevin is traveling or has a busy work schedule. This little girl though is teaching me to let it go and to just be patient, live a bit, and surviving is good but living life is better. Reese I love you baby girl and will always strive in being a better mommy to you each and every day! xoxoxo